Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Almost Time for the Salon des Artistes!

Come one, come all to the Salon des Artistes on Sunday Dec. 2, from 9-4, at 616 Spruce NE (in lovely Spruce Park west of the University of New Mexico campus) here in Albuquerque.  There will be eight artists selling, and I will have a selection of necklaces plus the two remaining dolls in my stable (maybe more dolls in 2013 - who knows).

Necklace #46, a mix of vintage and modern plastics on woven cotton Japanese bias tape.

See them all in the album https://picasaweb.google.com/105148425797657603947/ButtonNecklaceSelectionsMostlyCurrentlyAvailable#5810395186940292338

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Joy of Using Artist-Dyed Fabrics.

The shiny watercolor effect of those dyed mother of pearl buttons led me to another watercolor-like look, beautiful hand-dyed fabrics by Sandra Holzman of Sandrasilk,  http://sandrasilk.com..  
Do check her website and learn about her marbling, printing, etc. on fine fabrics and see her gallery of wearable art.  I am lucky enough to have a few of her remnants!

Here on Necklace #43 the covered buttons are accented with dyed mother of pearl buttons, on Japanese chirimen polyester bias tape.  The dominant fabric on the buttons is a double-weave of linen and silk; the two layers float on top of each other as separate fabrics that join as one, interwoven, in various spots.  For this necklace, I used the fabric linen-side-up, but the silk side is pretty exciting, too (another necklace later!).

And here is another using Sandra's fabric:

In this one, Necklace #44, the silk-covered buttons are accented with little vintage glass buttons, on woven cotton Japanese bias tape.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

More Fun Mixing Old and New Stash, and a Return to Covered Buttons.

Little dyed mother of pearl sweater buttons become like little jewels when put in a new context, especially the ones that have lived a little.  Necklace #42, on Japanese cotton shibori-dyed bias tape.

And time again to play with buttons covered in vintage Japanese silk.  Necklace #41, on chirimen polyester bias tape.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The birthday buttons and the yard sale haul have inspired three more necklaces here:

Necklace #37, celluloid, bakelite and other vintage plastic on a woven cotton Japanese bias tape.

 Here it is on a neck, showing that it works well with this very complex print on the shirt.

Necklace #38, of vintage glass beads on Japanese chiremen polyster bias tape.

And necklace #38, Bakelite and other vintage plastic on cotton/linen bias tape.

Again, to see all the available necklaces (and very recently sold), go to https://picasaweb.google.com/105148425797657603947/ButtonNecklaceSelectionsMostlyCurrentlyAvailable.

Monday, September 10, 2012

My Birthday Buttons

My birthday brought me new vintage buttons and inspired me to get into the studio.  My cousin included a little jewel box of buttons in the package she sent:

And a friend presented me with an evocative old cigar tin filled with amazing ones - bakelite, celluloid, glass, metal.....

And then there was a yard sale Saturday, a button-gatherer who was divesting.

And so to work:

This is necklace #36, vintage plastics (including bakelite) on woven cotton Japanese bias tape.  It includes buttons from all three recent hauls. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Welcome to Alison's Arts:  Vintage Button Necklaces and Dolls, a portal through which I can present and share my necklaces and - although I haven't made any recently - my small textile figures.  Lately I've been enjoying covering button forms with vintage Japanese fabrics (one of my great loves); I also use pleasing buttons, mostly vintage ones but some contemporary as well, made from many materials.  Above I show a necklace of kimono-silk-covered buttons on Japanese chirimen polyester tape (top) and one of vintage plastic (mostly bakelite) buttons on a cotton/linen bias tape base (bottom).  You can see more on my picasa web album at https://picasaweb.google.com/105148425797657603947/ButtonNecklaceSelectionsMostlyCurrentlyAvailable. In the album, each necklace has a number.  For questions and prices (the average price is $50, but a few are $35, a few may be $60), please email me at telesor.roselet@gmail.com.