Thursday, September 27, 2012

More Fun Mixing Old and New Stash, and a Return to Covered Buttons.

Little dyed mother of pearl sweater buttons become like little jewels when put in a new context, especially the ones that have lived a little.  Necklace #42, on Japanese cotton shibori-dyed bias tape.

And time again to play with buttons covered in vintage Japanese silk.  Necklace #41, on chirimen polyester bias tape.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The birthday buttons and the yard sale haul have inspired three more necklaces here:

Necklace #37, celluloid, bakelite and other vintage plastic on a woven cotton Japanese bias tape.

 Here it is on a neck, showing that it works well with this very complex print on the shirt.

Necklace #38, of vintage glass beads on Japanese chiremen polyster bias tape.

And necklace #38, Bakelite and other vintage plastic on cotton/linen bias tape.

Again, to see all the available necklaces (and very recently sold), go to

Monday, September 10, 2012

My Birthday Buttons

My birthday brought me new vintage buttons and inspired me to get into the studio.  My cousin included a little jewel box of buttons in the package she sent:

And a friend presented me with an evocative old cigar tin filled with amazing ones - bakelite, celluloid, glass, metal.....

And then there was a yard sale Saturday, a button-gatherer who was divesting.

And so to work:

This is necklace #36, vintage plastics (including bakelite) on woven cotton Japanese bias tape.  It includes buttons from all three recent hauls. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Welcome to Alison's Arts:  Vintage Button Necklaces and Dolls, a portal through which I can present and share my necklaces and - although I haven't made any recently - my small textile figures.  Lately I've been enjoying covering button forms with vintage Japanese fabrics (one of my great loves); I also use pleasing buttons, mostly vintage ones but some contemporary as well, made from many materials.  Above I show a necklace of kimono-silk-covered buttons on Japanese chirimen polyester tape (top) and one of vintage plastic (mostly bakelite) buttons on a cotton/linen bias tape base (bottom).  You can see more on my picasa web album at In the album, each necklace has a number.  For questions and prices (the average price is $50, but a few are $35, a few may be $60), please email me at