Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Necklaces for family this holiday season (Happy New Year!)

Happy 2013, and hearty thanks to everyone who came to the Salon des Artistes back on December 2nd!  All nine of us vendors had a wonderful time.  I've now moved all the sold necklace snapshots to my album of necklaces no longer available, https://picasaweb.google.com/105148425797657603947/ButtonNecklacesExamplesNoLongerAvailableForSale . This leaves only ten necklaces currently in stock, and I must get busy.  However, I had a fine time making necklaces for family members this holiday season:

One for my daughter, the leopard-print princess, using red leopard-print polyester and some vintage covered buttons on woven Japanese cotton bias tape.

One for my sister-in-law, who has a special relationship with turtles.  Ceramic turtle buttons (which, I think, she originally gave me), and wooden buttons with foliage, on Japanese shibori-dyed cotton bias tape.

 One for my aunt, who, even when wearing peacock-feather earrings and a purple gown, maintains a flower-like china-doll quality.  The center button is a long-cherished old celluloid one, the others are vintage plastics.  The base is a flower-printed Japanese chirimen polyester bias tape.

 And this one is for my dear friend who has lately been sporting a very sophisticated black linen tunic.  The center button is celluloid with rhinestones, the white glass ones are from the 1950s and she herself brought them to me from London this year, and the accent buttons are metal and glass.  Base is cotton/linen bias tape.