Friday, February 20, 2015

It's February - time to get back to work!

The successful Salon des Artistes is now a distant memory, and Santa and others did bring me new buttons to play with.  First here is a restyle of an earlier necklace, adding some little floral celluloid buttons from a friend's gift tin of wonderful ones:

Necklace #120, vintage plastic buttons, mostly celluloid, on Japanese chirimen polyester bias tape.

Pawing around in the vintage plastic buttons led to this one:

Necklace #121. Vintage plastic buttons (the one with the metal center is likely Bakelite) on cotton/linen bias tape.

And then, enjoying darks, lights and patinas in the vintage button world, this one:

Necklace #122.  Vintage plastic (one is horn) buttons, two with mother of pearl inlays, on Japanese woven cotton bias tape.  The little rings at the edges are stone.  I love that wacky button with the circle and triangle cut-outs.  The center button has, I think, achieved the gold-brown areas as it aged.  

As always, the photo album of current work is at