Friday, September 4, 2015

It's Been a Long Time Since a Post. Here is a Bit That's New.

A family emergency has kept me from posting and slowed my production, but here are a few necklaces for catch-up:

Necklace #129.  A broken buckle from a yard sale mixes with vintage brass buttons on purple chirimen bias tape.

And then a couple celebrating the colors and patinas of plastic buttons from decades past:

Necklace #130.  The three big buttons all have rough and smooth areas, all in luscious color.  The little shiny black buttons close things off.  All on purple chirimen bias tape.

Necklace #131.  Shiny patinas and great colors on Japanese woven cotton bias tape.

Again, Google+ has changed the album formats a little.  The link to my current work is
In order to get the caption with the necklace number and the description, click on the individual picture and then click on the little encircled "i", and the information will come up to the top right.