A friend attended a conference at Brown University, and around the corner there in Providence R.I. she found a little junk store with some buttons as well as a big baggie of curious cabechons that may or may not be rootbeer bakelite. Providence was long the costume jewelry capital of the U.S. - who knows just for what these beauties were intended. They were a thoughtful gift. Not long after, Albuquerque's venerable and beloved Morningside Antiques store closed, and in the tray of remaining buttons was a delicate old celluloid buckle, which plays well with the mysterious cabechons. The buckle may be too delicate for any but the most respectful wearer, even though I have coated all the edges with lacquer (also known as clear nail polish). We'll see how it plays out.
Necklace #149. Vintage celluloid buckle and vintage plastic cabechons, with buttons covered in antique kimono silk and small vintage brass buttons - on Japanese chirimen polyester bias tape.
I found a really appealing remnant of old Japanese kimono silk at a yard sale and here mixed it with a heartier old celluloid buckle and some bakelite buttons. The cream deco ones came from the yard sale of a prominent local jeweler.
Necklace #150. Celluoid buckle, bakelite buttons, and buttons covered with vintage Japanese kimono silk, on Japanese cotton bias tape.
A Google + album of the most recent necklaces can be found at https://goo.gl/photos/uJFB3VUDePMFPEbk9. Click on a picture to find the caption (and if it doesn't appear up at the right, click the little circled "i" for information and it should get that started).