Thursday, July 21, 2016

Slow still at the work table, but a little action.....

Sometimes a re-style is in order, and for this one I replaced a lovely but subtle old button

with a less subtle, sharper-contrast contemporary plastic button:

So, the necklace now known as #151 pops a little more on the neck (the little buttons are covered with Japanese kimono silk), and I look forward to using the sweet old button on a garment.

I have been looking at lots of vintage French casein plastic necklaces from the 1930s from designer Bonaz, and my favorite one is half-black and half-red - very sleek. In the shop of the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art I saw this luscious glass necklace (from its patina I at first thought it was vinyl), also half-black and half-red, and so it was time to make a half- and half- backing for a button necklace.  I wanted rhythm but not straightforward bilateral symmetry with the buttons:

Necklace #152.  Vintage Lucite and rhinestone button, other vintage lucite and vintage plastic buttons, on Japanese chirimen polyester bias tape.

I've been meaning to play with yo-yos from the Japanese vintage kimono silk stash, and here is one, also featuring some of the cloth-covered buttons I got at Le Petit Pan in Paris.

Necklace #153.  Poufs of vintage Japanese kimono fabric with cotton-covered buttons from Paris, on Japanese cotton bias tape.

(Confession - a little of the gathering on the central pouf shows here!  It doesn't show on the necklace now, but I really liked this picture and didn't dump it!).

Again, more necklace pictures at